[80] When you assume…

… you make an overstated cliche that everyone already knows. This week we take a break from the usual review of current events with our commentary sprinkled in — and we talk about ourselves.  There is far more to each of us than “Jewish, male podcast host” and “Muslim female podcast host.” Those around...

[54] Is Being Religious Unfashionable?

A recent post on theoatmeal.com prompts a discussion about whether or not religion is “under attack” and the recent shooting tragedy in a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado prompts us to wonder about the root causes of gun violence in America. Hey! That’s My Hummus is an Amazon Affiliate! Help us continue to bring...

Hey! That’s Mike’s Matzah! {LISTEN}

Passover is around a week away! Join us for a very kosher episode of HTMH where we ask our Jewish friend “Why this night is different than any other night?” in Hebrew.  And by “we” I mean me, Faiqa. I’m feeling very royal today. Enjoy the new episode and have a happy Passover. Or...

Virginia’s Conscience Clause & Affirmative Action Discrimination {{LISTEN}}

Pinocchio’s conscience was a cricket.  Do you remember that part of the story? Apparently, the Virginia legislature doesn’t need crickets because it’s got it own little “conscience clause” chirping away on a piece of legislation concerning adoptions that would allow religious organizations to disqualify potential parents they find to be “morally objectionable.” Specifically, “same...

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