[78] Trump, Trial, and a Triumphant Return

donald-trumpHi everyone!

We’re back after a short, 126-week break.  Hopefully this isn’t a pattern — but if it is, we’ll look forward to recording again in October 2018.

Today’s episode has us talking current events: Presidential candidate Donald Trump told an apocryphal wild story at a campaign stop in South Carolina about a U.S. Army General who would combat Muslim insurgents by shooting them with bullets dipped in pigs’ blood. Trump is the front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination. We discuss the culture of xenophobia and how it’s pumped up by Trump’s campaign.

We also talk about the latest legal battle for pop singer Kesha (formerly Ke$ha) who has accused her producer, Dr. Luke, of sexual harassment and assault and has requested to extricate herself from her contract. While many artists have come to her aid, Dr. Luke maintains his innocence. Will there be an equitable resolution?

If you’ve got comments, questionable flattery and show ideas, or you just want to welcome us back, you can also let us know on Facebook or tweet us @thatsmyhummus.

Music Credits:

Title Theme (Intro and Outtro):    Holiday (Green Day) — American Idiot (Regular Edition) [Explicit]

Interstitial Music:  Be Good  (TUDZ) — A/B

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