
[84] Bend It Like… Bathrooms?

Ripped from the headlines! We discuss two recent news stories that have had some traction lately… First, a Muslim seventh grade student from Houston was singled out in his class and told that “we all think you’re a terrorist” when he laughed at a movie (Bend It Like Beckham) they had been watching. The...

[83] Hair! That’s My Hummus

Let’s talk about hair: each strand of it contains your DNA — which are the building blocks of you. Every little individual trait is encoded on that one little piece of hair. And that strand? It’s strong. It can hold up to 100 grams. Multiply that by the 100,000 strands on the average human...

[82] What Happens on Campus…

… doesn’t necessarily stay on campus. This week’s episode goes back to college — as we discuss some issues which have been newsworthy lately but have also been longstanding issues since we were both in school. First: fraternities on campus. There have been episodes of dangerous behavior contributing to major injuries and death due...

[80] When you assume…

… you make an overstated cliche that everyone already knows. This week we take a break from the usual review of current events with our commentary sprinkled in — and we talk about ourselves.  There is far more to each of us than “Jewish, male podcast host” and “Muslim female podcast host.” Those around...

Great episode on its way! Also? A plug…

Hi everyone. It’s 11:21 pm EST and Faiqa and I just got off of Skype after recording an amazing and intense episode of “Hey! That’s My Hummus!” This one was a bit different than most:  we didn’t talk about current events, holidays, cultural traditions or Justin Bieber.   Instead, we talked about assumptions people...

[79] Capitulater, Alligator!

“Capitulater, Alligator!” “Patronage denial, Crocodile!” This week’s show starts by talking about a specific boycott threat of Lands’ End — the company that makes quality catalog-ordered clothing and accessories.  When they decided to place a featured interview with Ms. Magazine founder and feminist activist Gloria Steinem in their latest issue, they received backlash due to Steinem’s...

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