Episode 5: Budget Stuff, French Batman and Whitewashing Hollywood

Overheard on Episode 5:

“Oh, let’s hope for a government shutdown so we can be topically relevant…”

“The Peugot is the epitome of French vehicular majesty.”

“Barack Obama is actually his superhero identity.”

And then Faiqa uses the term “blackface.”

Buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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  1. JC CarandangApril 18, 2011

    People forget that Superman is a immigrant. And don’t hate on Parkour! It’s an amazing French martial art.

    1. CocoaApril 20, 2011

      Superman is an illegal alien at that. He didn’t come here legally. I’m just sayin’.

      1. FaiqaApril 20, 2011

        I didn’t even CONSIDER his status as an illegal immigrant. It’s very upsetting, I mean, there he is taking perfectly good jobs from law abiding superheroes with legal status.

  2. JC CarandangApril 18, 2011

    Bruce Lee was turned down in favor of David Carradine for the tv series Kung Fu.

    1. CocoaApril 20, 2011

      Dude! I totally forgot about that! What the heck were they thinking???

      1. FaiqaApril 20, 2011

        I think they were worried about losing money… I read something about how Bruce Lee mentioned that he “understood” that this was the nature of the game, and that if he had been casting the same venture in Hong Kong, he would’ve considered the the risk of casting someone non-Chinese. I don’t know why, but (1) that makes me sad and (2) I don’t think he meant it.

    2. FaiqaApril 20, 2011

      I feel like there was another instance, but, yeah, definitely the David Carradine thing is true.

  3. CocoaApril 20, 2011

    Woohoo! You said my name and pronounced it correctly!!!! (I’m Myclette btw) Trust me, I had a band teacher for three years who NEVER said my name right. Heck I was his first chair clarinet!

    Anyway, here’s a topic that I think might be funny (or not): Comedians you just don’t get. For example, I just don’t get what’s so funny about Chelsea Handler or Sarah Silverman. Also, did people really think Gallagher was funny?

  4. Dave2April 20, 2011

    Another excellent episode.


    Shiny totally missed the boat here. Not only is “Sabra” a brand of store-bought hummus… it’s also the name of a Marvel super-hero! “Sabra” is the super-hero name of Ruth Bat-Seraph, who fights for truth, justice, and chickpeas in Israel. She’s the Jewish Captain America! To omit such a hummus-inspired hero is a bit of an oversight here…. just sayin’.


    1. B.E. EarlApril 20, 2011


    2. FaiqaApril 20, 2011

      Are you joking? Or is that a real thing? I can’t tell anymore with you guys…

      1. Dave2April 21, 2011

        Totally a real thing! When she first appeared, she wore a giant fuzzy blue cape that allowed her to fly. And she could shoot kind of “needles” from her hands (since “Sabra” means “prickly pear” I guess?). Now-a-days, she’s more of a Black Widow clone though (which is a good thing!).

    3. shinyApril 20, 2011

      I had read about Sabra. Sounds like she was totally bad-ass. However, she fought the Hulk, and I just feel that it would be awkward if I had to pick sides…

      1. Dave2April 21, 2011

        Wait a second… Hulk is a Secret Muslim? Man, those guys are everywhere!

      2. Dave2April 21, 2011

        Wait… Hulk is a Secret Muslim too? Those guys are everywhere!

  5. B.E. EarlApril 20, 2011

    Magneto was a Jew and Holocaust survivor, but he really isn’t associated with being Jewish besides that (I know). He’s a mutant, in his mind. That’s it.

    DC has a bunch of Middle Eastern characters, but most of them don’t mention religion at all.

  6. B.E. EarlApril 20, 2011

    (I should probably listen to the entire episode before commenting. As opposed to this way, but…)

    Two examples of “white” actors playing Asians in film that really bothered me:

    1) The entire cast of the live action “The Last Airbender” was pretty much white. Except for Dev Patel…he played the villain. Ahem. And what makes it worse is that the writer and director was M.Night Shymalan! Tsk tsk tsk.

    2) OK, no one saw this but me. SyFy (sigh) recently did another failed adaptation of Phillip Jose Farmer’s “Riverworld”. It was awful. Even more awful was the casting of Jeananne Goossen as the famous Japanese samurai Tomoe Gozen. Now Goossen has a slightly “exotic” look (whatever that means) and she claims to be a very non-specific “half-Asian”. But she even admits that she had to dye her normally blond hair dark for the role. EVEN MORE AWFUL was listening to the Canadian-born actress wreck the role with a terrible Japanese accent while speaking English. It made me immediately think of Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi doing one of the more horrendous caricatures in film history in “Breakfast of Tiffany’s”. I wanted to throw my remote thru the television set! Because Tomoe Gozen is one of my favorite historical and literary characters of all-time. Ugh. So disgusted.

  7. FaiqaApril 20, 2011

    Yeah, M. Night got a LOT of flack for that, as he well deserved. And, yes, we’re on a first name basis. No, not really, I just hate trying to remember how to spell his name.

  8. Clark Kent's LunchboxApril 29, 2011

    I think it’s interesting the “powers” (or lack there of) the character gets to fight crime with. I wonder if there was talk at DC about their being backlash if they gave him powers or a cool car. Had they given him gadgets would people be upset because that was too much like bombs or IEDs. Had they given him a car would it be seen as too close to a car bomb. Had they given him some sort of superhuman power would that be seen as a symbol of empowerment? Running and jumping with style as a power is fairly harmless in relation to all the other powers out there.

    What’s ironic in a way to me is how many superheros got started (which was alluded to) by Jewish boys in the 30’s & 40’s (“men of tomorrow” excellent book). Superman with his array of powers was actually a conscious, symbolic gesture in response to anti-semitic feelings and aggression. It was purposefully about empowerment for Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel.

    Now if you made a Muslim Superman how would that go over today?

    Incidentally Superman was officially a Protestant. Weird.

    (Thanks for the mention too)


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